Farming & Technology for Africa

Science and technology

Science and technology have a crucial role to play in the fight against food and nutrition insecurity, poverty, and in creating a better world, particularly in Africa.

FTA focuses on improving Agricultural and Food Systems:

In Africa, where a large portion of the population relies on agriculture for their livelihoods, science and technology can revolutionize the way food is produced, processed, and distributed.

  • Crop Improvement: Through scientific research, new crop varieties that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and droughts has been developed by different research centers. FTA is taking advantage of those existing varieties and technologies.
  • Precision Agriculture: Technologies like drones used at FTA can help farmers manage their fields more efficiently helping in monitoring, designing and for big farms for applying fertilizers, pesticides, and water, reducing waste and increasing yields.
  • Weather Forecasting: Weather forecasting technologies enable farmers to anticipate extreme weather events. FTA wants to help farmers make informed decisions to protect their crops and livestock.
  • Post-Harvest Storage: FTA focuses on PHM to reduce post-harvest losses, ensuring that more of the harvested food in Africa reaches consumers.

FTA focuses on sharing the right Knowledge to Farmers:

FTA wants to ensure that existing and relevant scientific and technological knowledge reaches the grassroots level, where it’s needed the most. These are some of FTA’s focuses:

  • Farmer Training: Local agricultural extension services provide farmers with trainings on different topics from soil science and the use of new technologies effectively.
  • Digitalisation and mobile Apps: In many parts of Africa, mobile phones are widespread. FTA is taking advantage of the fact that mobile apps can deliver essential information to farmers, such as weather updates, market prices, and pest control strategies.
  • Community Networks: FTA has established community-based knowledge-sharing networks (in the form of associations, coops, NGOs) to facilitate the exchange of best practices among farmers. They can learn from each other’s experiences and adapt to local conditions.

FTA promotes simple and applicable Technologies

Not all farmers have access to high-tech equipment or extensive education. FTA tries to develop technics and technologies that are simple, affordable, and easy to use like low-cost locally made tools.

In summary, science and technology have the power to transform agriculture in Africa, making it more productive, resilient, and sustainable. By sharing knowledge and ensuring that technologies are accessible and easy to use, FTA is trying to empower farmers, reduce poverty, combat food and nutrition insecurity, and work toward a better future for Africa and the world as a whole.

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